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Nalezeno záznamů: 1  
Váš dotaz: Akce/Konference = "Climate Change and the Ramsar Convention konference"
  1. NázevClimate change and water protection from the perspective of law : proceedings of the international Ph.D. students' conference, "Climate Change and the Ramsar Convention" : Faculty of Law, Charles University, October 15th, 2021 (online via MS Teams) / Milan Damohorský, Vojtěch Stejskal (eds.)
    Záhlaví-akce Climate Change and the Ramsar Convention (konference) (2021 : online) (Autor)
    NakladatelPraha : Faculty of Law, Charles University, 2023
    Rozsah86 stran ; 22 cm
    Druh dok.Sborníky
    F 91833PSS - Poslanecká sněmovna

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